

In Church Groups

Find Your Church Group

New groups will be launching soon!
Stay tuned to find your people!

We are happy to help you connect to one of the church groups. To find out more information feel free to email John Garner, our Connections Pastor.

Church Groups Weekdays

  • Young Adults | Anyone in 20s–30s | 6 p.m. Monday in the Basement
    Led by Lisa & Wayne Acklen. (call/text Lisa for details)
  • Young Professionals | Singles in their 20s–30s| 6:30 p.m. Thursdays in B204.
    Led by Dave & Cindy Holder

Church Groups Sundays | 8:00 a.m.

  • Journey | Adults in their 30s–60s | A105/106
    Led by Tommy Yessick, Jessica Murry, & Jeff Pinson
  • Spritual Explorers | Adults in their 40s–60s | A111
    Led by Charlie and Robin Huff
  • AGAPE | Adults in their 50s–60s | A110
    Led by Dean Waldrop
  • Active Adults 1 | Adults in their 60s–80s | A112
    Led by Joe Denney, Patrick Davis, and Linda Still

Church Groups Sundays | 10:45 a.m.

  • Alongsiders | Married in their 30s–50s | A112
    Led by Robert Bedenbaugh
  • Essentials | Adults in their 40s–50s | B207
    Led by Ruth Smith
  • Women Growing in Grace | All Ages | A102
    Led by Nancy Thomas
  • Reflections | Adults 55 and up | A105/106
    Led by Neil Richardson
  • Just Cruising | 50s and up | A107/108
    Led by Edwin Garner and Tony & Tarenda Vaughn
  • DSL | Adults in their 60s–70s | A104
    Led by Frank Chambers and Dan Phillips
  • Active Adults 2 | Adults 65 and up | A103
    Led by Archer Thorpe and Peter Meschter
  • Women in Discovery | 60s and up | A110
    Led by Beverly DeLap and Mary Ann Parks
  • Young Couples | Young couples with and without kids | B206
    Led by Mike and Gretchen Minard
  • FIT | Adults in their 40s and 50s | A203
    Led by Mitch Crawford and Craig Sanford
  • Bereans | Adults in their 50s-60s | A105/106
    Led by Brian Weldy and Dave Brackins
  • Starting Point | Starting Point: sign up here
    Led by ClearView Staff
  • PLACE Class | Register Here
  • Refuge | Adults in their 40s and up | A109
    Led by Aaron Helton
  • Believers | Adults 20’s and up | B205
    Led by Zach and Brittney Ray

Questions? Need more information?

Contact John Garner for more information regarding weeknight Groups.