Register Opens December 2024

Join us for FUGE Camps 2025 on June 30 – July 4!

FUGE Camps

Completed 6th-12th grade

June 30 – July 4

Location: Berry College | Rome, GA
Early Bird Pricing (Through March 8th): $425
Standard Pricing (After March 8th): $475
Speaker: Ryan Murphy
Worship: Josiah Overstreet

If you’re new to our registration portal, click the “REGISTER HERE” button above, and please follow these steps to register:

  1. Once the link opens, click “login.”
  2. If you don’t have an account, follow the prompts to sign up.
  3. Once your account is created, return to this link and sign in.
    *Pro-tip: keep this username and password handy so you can utilize it to pay your remaining balance, if applicable.
  1. Click the “Make A Payment” button above, and please follow these steps to pay your remaining balance:
  2. Once the link opens, click “login.”
  3. Login using the account you created upon registering your student.
    *If you have registered for anything at ClearView before, those receipts will also pop up.
  4. Find your invoice for FUGE 2024 and click the blue “pay balance” option.
    *Your browser may take a few moments to load the payment portal.
  5. Click either “make changes” or “pay now” and follow the directions.

We believe every student should have the opportunity to experience FUGE Camps, regardless of financial circumstances. If the camp cost is a concern, we’re here to help. Reach out directly to Jamie for assistance and to hear about our financial aid options.

We’ll work with you to make sure your student doesn’t miss out on this incredible experience!

Price Includes All meals, conference fee, transportation and lodging, and a T-shirt.

Registration w/ Deposit Due: April 30, 2025.

Final Balance Due: June 1, 2025

2025 FUGE Camps Theme Overview

Ownership is a powerful thing. When something is yours, it becomes immediately more important to you than something that is not yours. At a point in your faith journey, you must step from a borrowed faith that may seem repetitive and flat into a full, vibrant faith that is your own. The source of our faith is Jesus, the true Light of the world. Once we have accepted salvation, we ignite our faith by living it out. We fuel our faith by growing in our relationship with Christ and living in relationship with a community of believers around us. Once we have experienced the Light, we must let it shine as we share it with others.  Join us for FUGE Camps 2025 as you seek to move into the Light and own your faith!

“We no longer believe because of what you said, since we have heard for ourselves and know that this really is the Savior of the world.”

John 4:42