Due to the pandemic in 2020, churches are still trying to bring their congregations back to God. At least one-fourth of pre-covid church members have unfortunately not returned. But studies show that regularly attending service has kept church communities strong through these difficult times.

Baptist churches are a wonderful place to start glorifying God. We’re a member of the Protestant Christians. We share many of the same beliefs as our Protestant family but differ in a few areas. For example, baptists believe only believers in Jesus Christ should be baptized in the Church.

We also believe in the act of full-immersion baptism, which involves the full submersion of your body in water. This is our way of honoring the Lord’s authentic baptism in the Jordan River. And it’s a beautiful way to become close to the Holy Spirit.

Now that you know more about the beliefs of the Baptist church, let’s talk about six reasons why joining our congregation will benefit you. Anyone who desires to be closer to Jesus and God is welcome at our church. So keep reading to learn more!

1. Learn about God and the Bible

Joining any church is a big step in your spiritual development. And we’d love to be there for you when you take that first leap. It’s your time to step into God’s grace and mercy.

Joining the Baptist church allows you to open yourself fully to God. And if you already know the Bible, you’re going to fit in the community just perfectly! We believe in the sanctity of the Bible, and we respect the book as the authentic word of the Creator.

If you don’t know a lot about God or the Bible, don’t worry. We’d be happy to teach you. We’ll help you learn about God’s teachings in a loving, passionate environment.

2. Become a Member of the Church Community

With every Christian church comes the wonderful community backing it. You’ll meet amazing individuals on your journey with us, and you may even create lifetime friendships.

Our local community in Franklin, TN, welcomes you with open arms. Our Southern Baptist church is full of extraordinary people who serve God and Jesus Christ.

We are all born sinners but are called to serve God and know him. As part of the Baptist church community, you’ll receive help and prayers from your fellow brothers and sisters. We’ll help you become free from the original sin attained by Adam and Eve.

3. Find Jesus, Our Lord and Savior

It is our honor to help you find the savior of man and the son of God, Jesus Christ. If you don’t know about Jesus, we’ll help you understand him and his free, eternal gift to man.

Jesus died on the cross as an act of love for humanity. His sacrifice granted us deliverance from sin and the evils of the wicked one, Satan. Jesus was both man and God, and he could soon return to Earth on the Final Judgement Day.

We’ll help you learn the good news of Jesus Christ. He loves all of his children!

4. Build Spiritual Roots for Your Family

There’s nothing better than building a spiritual foundation for your loved ones. And as you learn about God and Jesus’s teachings, you can pass them on to your children.

After repenting of all sin and accepting Jesus as Lord, you will be in heaven with Him for eternity when you die. Accepting Christ into your life is one of the most powerful acts you’ll experience.

To pass these teachings down to your children is a beautiful gift. They can form their own relationships with the Lord and receive His divine guidance for life.

5. Participate in Social Events and Charity

As a member of the Baptist church, you’ll have the opportunity to meet other kind souls in the community and make an impact. And you’ll have fun along the way.

Experience a potluck dinner with friends and family, or join a church camp and learn about the sacred scriptures. You can also volunteer to help around the church and serve the community. There will be plenty of fulfilling activities to experience as a Baptist.

Ideally, as Christians, we are called to spread love and help others. And becoming a part of the Baptist faith will give you a chance to make a difference in the world.

6. Find Your Calling on Earth

Do you know why you came here to this world? This question is monumental to ask in your life journey. As a follower of Christ, you have a mission bestowed by God.

Through prayer and worship, you can get closer to our Lord and find out what your calling and purpose is on Earth. God put you here for a reason, and it’s up to you to find out why. And identifying your divine calling will help you become the best version of yourself.

Will you answer his call and lead others to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?

Join Our Baptist Church in Franklin TN

We hope we helped you understand what our faith can offer your spirit. You were placed in this world for a purpose. And this is your chance to answer the call of the Lord. Clearview will help you take the first step in knowing Jesus.

We would love to have you at our Baptist church in Franklin, Tennessee. Contact us today if you’d like to learn more about Clearview Baptist Church. God bless, and we hope to see you soon!