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It’s time to get R.E.A.L! Join us for this special group for women of all ages and lifestages. You will make connections, build community, and find lifelong friendships. You will find mentorship and encouragement for your season of life.
We desire to see you feel refreshed, encouraged, accepted and loved in this group.

We will begin meeting on January 11 at 9:15 AM in the Preschool Worship Room.

The cost for the book is $13. Click HERE to sign up.

This semester, we will cover the Study Gideon by Priscilla Shirer:
“When we hear the name Gideon, most of us think about his 300 soldiers or a fleece spread beneath the evening sky. But Gideon’s story is so much bigger than that. This is a story about God and His people—His love for them, as well as His strength operating despite, even through, their weakness. This 7-session study will encourage you to recognize your weakness as the key that the Lord gives you to unlock the full experience of His strength in your life. Instead of ignoring, neglecting, or trying to escape your weaknesses, learn to see them as gifts given specifically and strategically by God. If you’ve ever felt insufficient, ill-equipped, incompetent, or outnumbered, this study is for you.”

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