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This is a fantastic opportunity for kids of all ages, from birth to 5th graders, to join in the hunt for colorful eggs. But that’s not all – this year, we’re extending the excitement to include activities tailored for those in 6th through 12th grade too! We warmly invite the entire community to come together and enjoy a day filled with joy, laughter, and unforgettable memories.

Are you looking for ways to help us with this event? Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Donate candy, eggs, or filled plastic eggs with Candy and drop them off at the Preschool or Children’s welcome desks. (or use our Amazon Wishlist to buy pre-filled eggs and ship them to us at 537 Franklin Rd. Franklin, TN 37069.)
  2. Show up. These events are a great opportunity for you to meet new people and just be a welcoming smile. Whether you have kids or not, you can still join us and help us greet!
  3. Invite someone you know: a neighbor, friend, grocery store clerk…anyone!

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